Monday, November 10, 2014

To Be or Not To Be - That is the Adventure!

Howdy, good brethren!

Today I cannot help myself and so I am endorsing a most delightful book.  It's a choose-your-own-path Hamlet adventure story, and it's by the infallible Ryan North.  I was lucky enough to catch this project back during its Kick-Starter phase, and so I threw all my moneys at it.  It was the most successful Kick-Starter campaign ever at the time, raising over 2,000% of its goal!  Now, it's a full-fledged book and it is SO enjoyable I almost can't even.

You can play as Hamlet, Ophelia, or King Hamlet; but wait, there's more!  Each ending comes with artwork from one of 65 artists. You can follow Yorick skull markers to stick closely to Shakespeare's plot, or explore alternative possibilities. And trust me, there are some crazy fun off-script endings.  But no matter which way you chose, every path is full of Ryan's casual, hilarious prose, and rife with jokes and cultural references.

I'm going to give you a little sample here, where North whips out some Fresh Prince of Bel Air.  Because I care about you all, and I want this for you. I CANNOT sell this enough.

Aside from this, it's full of lines such as, "Anyway: this ghost. You can see through it, but only a little? It’s weird. And I’ll tell you what the frig else: this ghost does look like your dad." Buy it immediately!  If you're interested, that is.  This is a no-pressure environment. I want you to feel safe here.

Later taters!
(That's a direct quote from King John, and you can't prove me wrong because there's no way you've read it... no one has.)

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! But mostly because I love it when you rap Shakespeare Kathy!
