Monday, November 17, 2014

Star Wars and Shakespeare

Tidings unto you dudes,

Late post is late.  But still Monday, so woo!  I am here to tell you that there is this thing out there called William Shakespeare's Star Wars.

Oh yes.

Ever wonder what it would have been like if William Shakespeare wrote the original Star Wars trilogy? Do you find yourself drifting off during the original, imagining a better way?  Is your life a bit like this:

"Hey baby, whatcha thinkin' about?"
"Just what it would be like if Willie Shakespeare had written 'A New Hope.'"
"...Again? Do you ever have any other thoughts, or...?"

Well wonder no more! Ian Doescher has written the entire original trilogy as if it were written 400 years ago by William Shakespeare himself.   Experience the glory below:

I marvel at the way people chose to spend their time.  Here is an excerpt:

I know what you're thinking: "shut up and take my money already."  Okay, well you can buy it here.  This is the book you're looking for.

So long for now, dear readers.  With thou mayeth the force be!

1 comment:

  1. So what's up with Yoda, does he talk even funnier than usual?
