Thursday, November 6, 2014

Shakespeare's Ladies Coulda Used a Sassy Gay Friend

Good dawning, sweet reader!

As you may or may not have noticed, I've reverted to Monday-Thursday updating.  Things are a little hectic right now and I need a teeny bit of a buffer.  So there.  I'm sure I'll go back to MWF as soon as things slow down in my work, personal and scholarly life.  But until then, I must regrettably offer you less Shakespeare than you have become accustomed to of late.  My deepest and most sincerest apologies.

Enough of that, let's go back to Shakespeare!

In case no one has shared this with you before, let me be the first.  The Second City Network on YouTube came out with a series of Sassy Gay Friend videos for a multitude of famous women, including a number of Shakespeare's heroines.  "This could have been prevented if she had a sassy gay friend."  Do enjoy.

Juliet, of Romeo & Juliet

Ophelia of Hamlet

Desdemona of Othello

Lady Macbeth from Macbeth

Honestly, it starts getting weird when they suddenly got sponsored by Mio, but I still dig it.  Hope you did too! 

Until next time, dudes.

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