Monday, December 8, 2014

You have to call me 'Master' now, right?

Hey everyone!  I must apologize to my MILLIONS of followers for the lack of updates this past week.  I was on vacation!  I was in Hot-lanta and hear you me, it was a blast.

In even more awesomer news (what?) I defended my thesis today!  Yes, you heard right.  This humble blog is totes legit now as it is now officially written by a MASTER OF ARTS.  You may applaud for as long as you like.

What was my capstone about?  I'm so glad you asked! It's titled,

 The Body-Politic in Pieces:
Reflections of the English Succession Crisis through Disjointed Body Parts 
in Titus Andronicus, Othello, and King Lear

The basic idea is that Elizabeth’s death, the uncertainty around her succession, and the fears surrounding James’ ability to rule England inform Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus, Othello and King Lear. Shakespeare comments on this political climate through the specific examples of body parts betraying themselves – depicting the state of chaos in his tragedies as a corporeal disquiet.

Suuper impressive, right? Yeah, maybe.  I've been awake since 6:00 am with nerves, and then I used up all of my smarts in one intense half hour.  What a rush!

Anyway, fun highlight from Hot-lanta, I found this great magazine with a big article on the front called "The Body-Politic" and got really excited.  Turns out the article is about strippers, so.... that happened.  

But on page four, there was another article about the Ferguson riots and the title was, "More than Sound and Fury," which, as we've discussed here, is a Shakespeare reference from Macbeth!  How thrilling, to find a body-politic reference AND a Shakespeare reference in the same paper.  Boom, my thesis is confirmed.

Okay, okay, they are completely uncorrelated, of course, but how about shut up I am a MASTER so let's not talk about that.

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