Thursday, December 11, 2014

Shakespeare and Brooklyn Nine-Nine


So, it makes me overly happy when there's a reference to Shakespeare in a current show I like - and it's something that happens a lot more than people realize, I think.  Mostly because not everyone is going to recognize everything that is a nod to the Bard of Avon, seeing that not everyone studies his plays.

How did this weird train of thought come about?  Well, I was watching Madam Secretary the other night with my parents and Tea Leoni said, "The play's the thing," and I went, "Oh snap!" Then my mother looked at me like I was a crazy person.

But that's a line from Hamlet, guys!  "The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king." Hamlet wants to be sure the ghost didn't lie to him, so our favorite Dane stages a play about the exact thing his ghost dad said Claudius did to see if he can get a reaction from Claudius.  Guess what: he totally get a reaction!*

Anyway, the saying was used in the show to invoke the idea of setting a trap for someone. Thrilling, huh?

Thus inspired, I decided to take one of my favorite shows and chronicle the Shakespeare references.  I am currently very into Brooklyn Nine-Nine on Fox; it's on its second season, and already there are three whole Shakespeare references.

Let's list them!

Captain Holt: How did you get everyone to help you?
Jake Peralta: I appealed to their sense of teamwork and camaraderie with a rousing speech that would put Shakespeare to shame.
(Flashback to speech. Jake talking in a bad Scottish accent) For too long, we've been put down, ridiculed, made to wear ties! But no more! For today, we defeat him!
Captain Holt: And that worked?
Jake Peralta: No.

Jake Peralta: I guess that's your new best friend now, Santiago.  Emphasis on "iago," backstabber.
Amy Santiago: I'm surprised you've read Othello.
Jake Peralta: What the hell's Othello? I'm calling you the parrot from Aladdin.

(Charles Boyle comes in for a Halloween costume contest dressed as Hamlet to get people's opinions)
Charles Boyle: To be or not to be-
Rosa Diaz: Not to be.
Charles Boyle: Thank you (leaves and changes)

Stay tuned!  I bet there will be more at this rate!  Is there a show you love that might reference the bard?  Also, are there any in B99 that I've missed?  If you too are a Shakespeare buff and somehow also love Brooklyn Nine-Nine, then you are required by law to tell me so that we can be friends.

Fun picture from the show.  Maybe you should watch it on account of how awesome it is.

*That's up to interpretation.  Like everything else in the written world.

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