Monday, December 7, 2015

Moar Tumblr

Good day to you all!  I am back now (orly?) to share more tumblr posts with you.  Perhaps you are thinking that rather than follow a blog that's so spotty on updates, you'd rather just go to tumblr and subscribe to such things as these yourself.  Well FINE! I have no right to be butt hurt about that, but I cannot promise I won't be.

This is a bit dark. Maybe I shouldn't have lead it with.  NO! NO LOOKING BACK! So anyway, in case it was unclear, or you're unfamiliar with Hamlet (and yet still here?! I love you madly for that.), Horatio is the only person left alive at the end of this play.

These are both references to the same Inappropriate Audition Songs meme of people using songs that hit a little too close to home while auditioning for a certain part in a play.

Re-appropriation of the same quote from The Office


I am just saying this list is legit.

Hugs and kisses, erebody!

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