Monday, October 20, 2014

Welcome to Shuffling this Mortal Coil!

This is the very first post in my new Shakespeare blog.  Let's get introduced!


My name is Khaki and I am a graduate student working on a Masters in English with a focus on everyone's favorite bard.  Why? Mostly because I just plain wanted to.  Isn't that a great reason?  I do it for love of the craft - which is almost as good as getting paid!  Which I don't.  Not for this. Definitely not for this.

"But Khaki, what does 'Shuffling this Mortal Coil' even mean?"  I'll tell you, dear reader.

In Hamlet's famous "To be, or not to be" monologue, there is a segment that goes,

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come 
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, 
Must give us pause.

He's talking about dying, and the fear of not knowing what come after we kick it.  Shuffling off your mortal coil means shedding this husk of of chaos we call a body - e.g. to die.  Serious stuff, folks.  But someone misquoted it to me once and said "shuffling this mortal coil," which would pretty much mean to dance. I laughed and laughed... aaand I was the only one.

Anyway, this expensive hobby has been a joy for me, and I have come across so many great Shakespeare related things on these here internets; now I have a place to share them!

So I hope you enjoy.  And if you don't, well that's okay; I'll just have to enjoy it enough for the both of us.

So for now,

"Adieu, adieu, adieu. Remember me" (Hamlet I.v.91)


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