Monday, October 27, 2014

Next Time Think it Through, Romeo

I've shared this delightful image before, on my Facebook, but I think it will find itself more at home on this blog.

Ha! Literary put-down! Buuurn.
The great thing about Romeo and Juliet is that our culture is saturated with it - and I am all for that.  But if you ask me (and no one did), calling someone your Romeo is a bit like calling them your wishy-washy, whiny lover.  As they say, he is one that loves not wisely, but too well.  Wait, that's Othello.  Whatevs, my point still stands.

But Khaki!!  Star-crossed lovers!  That's so romantic!  Absolutely it is.  Just remember that star-crossed means thwarted by the stars, rather than destined to be together because of them. You will spend your entire relationship dodging pianos that are falling from the sky, and trying not to get hit by city buses in crosswalks.  Probably.  Point is, doom will follow you. DOOM, people!

Ah, but the course of true love never did run smooth.  Wait, that's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

I'm not saying it doesn't have it's upside.  Who wouldn't want to hear their lover say things like, "I would not wish any companion in the world but you.” Man... that's hella romantic.  Wait, that's from The Tempest.  Wow, all these love quotes from better love stories!  It's like Khaki is trying to push other plays on the romantically-inclined or something!  Well, except Othello... that was... well, let's just not talk about that right now.

So, in summation: I'd take white-bread romance over a guy who murdered my cousin any day. Maybe that's boring, but I just so happen to be close to my cousins.  And I don't see how I could ever invite my boyfriend to the family picnic after that.

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